The Goals of So-Called “Special Military Operation” Russia Reached in Ukraine

Olesia F.
5 min readMar 12, 2024


And the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature goes to…

20 Days in Mariupol by Mstyslav Chernov, Ukraine!

This speech was deleted from the international version of the ceremony recording because it wasn’t entertaining enough for @Disney. (By the way, such a cut version they also sent to Ukraine — without 20 Days in Mariupol getting the reward!)

The film tells the story of the brutal siege of Mariupol by russia, which resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of people. It shows the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the bombing of the maternity hospital, and the rescue of journalists from the besieged city.

Notably, the Navalny film that won the Oscar last year was not removed from the 2023 international version. Does Disney see 20 Days in Mariupol as “political” whereas they saw Navalny as a “human rights violation”?

Rhetorical question, indeed.

Meanwhile, russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine is going on. (Just in case you forgot.) Yes, the country keeps struggling, listening to air alerts several times a day, “catching” bombs with civilians’ heads and infrastructure, and trying to save their freedom.

I know that many people from other countries believe the war is over. (Actually, I was shocked to find this out.) They get so surprised when we say russia keeps killing us. “Wha-a-a-at? I thought everything was already finished. Aren’t you all okay now?”

Nope. It’s not finished. And the fact that the likes of Disney and other world organizations and media choose not to say about it, it won’t disappear.

Two years since russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Like it or not, my country’s heart is still beating. Sorry if it makes you sad (that’s exactly what my friend from Moldova said: “Please, stop talking about your war, it makes me sad.”) or your morning cappuccino — less yummy. Look outside of your window:

While you see the sun shining and birds singing, russians continue their “special military operation” and don’t want to stop unless they wipe the biggest European country off the face of the earth.

What do they have at the moment?

The Goals of So-Called “Special Military Operation” Russia Reached in Ukraine

  1. Invade Ukraine.
  2. Double the length of the common border with NATO.
  3. Revive NATO.
  4. Make Ukraine the most armed country in Europe.
  5. Cause the massive damage to Ukraine (will have to pay it for decades).
  6. Lose most of the allies and turn into a pariah on the world stage.
  7. Give the US and the EU over $300 billion of gold and foreign exchange reserves.
  8. Become a vassal of China.
  9. Beg for weapons and ammunition.
  10. Maintain friendship only with states of marginal importance.
  11. Force the most intelligent and talented people from russia to emigrate.
  12. Get 15,000 sanctions for the next 50 years
  13. Destroy the Crimean Bridge.
  14. Lose personnel and carry out full but so-called partial mobilization.
  15. Send prisoners to war, thus unloading the prisons for those dissatisfied with the regime.
  16. Extend the reign of the tsar.
  17. Send female prisoners to the frontline.
  18. Give the US and OPEC premium markets for EU oil and gas.
  19. Sell Russian oil at an enormous discount.
  20. Fortified alliance with terrorist states.
  21. Threaten the whole world with starvation and bombard grain stores in Ukraine.
  22. Lose the Black Sea Fleet; sink the flagship “Moskva” and many others.
  23. Forcibly deport Ukrainian children to Russia.
  24. Cause the biggest ecological and humanitarian disaster in the east of Europe.
  25. Force 123 countries to issue arrest warrants for putin.
  26. Lose the war.
  27. Try to establish relations with civilization.


1. Prohibit citizens from standing on the square in a single picket with empty leaflets.

2. Ban the words “peace, war, occupation, blast, retreat, invasion” from the beginning.

3. Ignore Zelensky’s offers to negotiate (at the beginning of the war). Not refuse or agree but just ignore, hoping that Ukraine’s about to capitulate. Eventually, the tanks in rus museums started to run out; russian terrorists are now moaning, “russia has never refused to negotiate, and it is time to agree (but on russia’s terms, of course).”

4. Start with the cry “Kiev* in 3 days!” and eventually move to the rhetoric “Ukraine can’t win for two years, what about the counterattack?”

5. Start with the cry “Grozny in 2 hours” and actually fight from 1994 to 2009.

6. russia as a country appeared in 1991 and turned into occupants in 1994 (the WORLD RECORD, ladies and gentlemen, a three-year-old occupant country), invaded the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria. (There was a referendum in Chechnya in 1991, where they declared independence and elected President Dudaev, but this did not prevent russia from bombing Grozny 3 years later).

7. In the most painful time for russia, the USA helped with humanitarian aid (Bush Legs, medicines, etc.), but russia SOLD it to its citizens instead. In the most painful time for Ukraine, russia sent its troops to Donetsk, Crimea, Luhansk, Odesa, Mariupol, and Kharkiv. (pro-russian riots, 2014).

8 Invade and threaten with nuclear deterrence weapons. Does russia want to start the world practice of using nuclear weapons in the occupation of other countries?

9. The Ukrainian language has been infringed upon throughout the USSR’s history. Now, there are 0 schools with the Ukrainian language in russia. But sure, they say it’s russian that’s infringed upon.

10. If the russians withdraw from Ukraine, the war will end; if the Ukrainians lay down their arms, Ukraine will cease to exist.

11. The USSR did not recognize the succession of the Russian Empire. (Proof: USSR’s refusal of international agreements — 29.08.1918, meaning USSR illegally overthrew and executed their leaders. How can russia be connected with the Russian Empire if so? How does their history relate to Kyivan Rus?

12. The USSR was the Reich’s ally in September 1939; thus, the USSR supported the beginning of World War II. Trade and economic relations between the USSR and the Reich lasted till 1941, and the Reich built tanks on these resources. The USSR supplied food to the Reich, which was forcibly exported from Ukraine (Law of Three Spikelets), Kazakhstan, Belarus, Caucasus, and the Kuban region.

13. The USSR invaded Finland on November 30, 1939.

14. September 22, 1939: Joint parade of the Reich and the USSR in Brest after the occupation of Poland.

15. After World War I, Germany was forbidden to have aircraft. But the Reich’s brother nation, the USSR, allowed military exercises on its territory. In violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Germans trained in the USSR (the Kama tank school). In 1932, German Colonel-General Guderian flew to Kazan for an inspection. Many graduates of these schools later became Luftwaffe commanders and tank units of Nazi Germany’s Wehrmacht.

16. It is forbidden to compare Stalin and Hitler in russia. While the world knows World War II and Eastern Front, russians call that front “Velikaya Otechestvennaya Voina (1941–1945)” and celebrate their victory as if 1939–1941 didn’t happen to them at all.

Great strategists and history re-writers! *me vomiting here*

But, as Mstyslav Chernov said in his Oscar speech, “The truth will prevail.”

Let’s help it prevail!

*the correct spelling is “Kyiv”; russia says it wrong, insisting that Kyiv is a “russian city.” Pathetic.

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Olesia F.

A content writer behind In love with books, wine, and jazz. I'm writing about content creation, but this blog is my reflections.