#ArmUkraineNow, or Why You Have Something to Do With It

It’s time to open your mind to the truth, not brainwashing.

Olesia F.
8 min readApr 10, 2024

This story is about my conversation with US and EU friends who still have doubts or don’t understand:

  • the scale of russia crimes in Ukraine and the world;
  • the USA’s involvement in the russo-Ukrainian war;
  • all the risks;
  • the universal moral responsibility.

But first, here is a short video from @IhorLachenkov’s X for you to watch:

As Ihor writes,

“Kharkiv, Ukraine’s 2nd largest city, is under relentless missile and Shahed drone attacks, mercilessly targeting innocent civilians.

In just the past weeks, these barbaric assaults have taken the lives of at least 15 people, leaving countless others wounded, including vulnerable children.

Ukraine urgently requires additional air defense systems to shield its citizens. Every second counts.”

I’ve been to Kharkiv many times before and after russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine: My sister lives there with her five-year-old son. The last visit was in December 2023, and I saw the city and her neighborhood Saltivka like this:

Photos of Kharkiv from my phone. December 2023

A few months later, in April 2024, it hurts and tears apart to get these kinds of messages from her:

“I’m at work right now, and I can hear guided bombs’ explosions.”

“We’ve got two more massive blasts in the center!”

“I’m happy to hear the alarm at 6 a.m. because it means their missiles missed my home while I was sleeping…”

And you know what pisses me off the most?

Reading such messages from my people in Kharkiv, Odesa, Sumy, Kherson, and many other Ukrainian cities, towns, and villages — and feeling total helplessness despite our multiple cries for help, repeatedly documenting and communicating the russia’s war and genocidal crimes to the international community, and logical and reasoned presentation of the entire situation to the world.

❗❗❗ If you want to support Ukraine:

  • ✅ Please share the above post and video from Ihor on X, marking it with #UkraineNeedsAirDefense or any other related tags.
  • ✅ Feel free to share this article of mine on your social media and other channels.
  • ✅ Communicate the situation to your network and the world.

“My country gave money to Ukraine, and I have nothing to do with that!”

Indeed, Robert Sheckley was right in saying,

“In the information war, the one who speaks the truth will always lose to the liar because the truth-teller is limited to the truth and the liar has no such boundaries.”

Read:It’s not a crisis, conflict, tragedy, or aggression — it is a war.”

Too many people in other countries still don’t understand (or don’t want to understand) what is happening out there and why they should care about Ukraine. Despite countless answers and logical arguments to questions about my country, they choose to believe russia’s propaganda machine, which is super skillful and successful in brainwashing and generating half-truths and non-stop lies.

So, here we go again!

The Ukrainian answers to the most common traps that our foreign friends continue communicating about the war in our country. (Source)

@twins_mad on X

You say: Civilian russians have nothing to do with it; it’s all their government. Ukrainians fight against the murderous consequences of the russian gov’s actions, and the US and EU give their tax money to deal with those actions.

We answer: It’s the russians’ duty to fight their fascism that has crossed their borders and touched us all. The consequences of russians’ wrong choices should’ve only been their own to face. Why is it our job and not theirs to fight their fascism?

While a Ukrainian artist picks up a rifle, a russian artist edits their Instagram bio.

You say: Do russians kill civilians? Really?

We answer: russian society doesn’t consider any ex-Soviet nation as equal. Humiliated since childhood, russians grew up beaten by their families, bosses, and cops. To feel superior, russian soldiers now humiliate, torture, rape, rob, and kill civilians in Ukraine.

The great russian culture is the cult of death:

  • 1,400 killed civilians in Bucha and other Kyiv region cities
  • 447 mass graves in Izium, Kharkiv region
  • Torture chambers in Kherson; 400 missing people in Kherson

You say: What? Are there 40 million people in Ukraine? I thought you were a small, poor, post-Soviet country.

We answer: Yes, we have 40 million people in Ukraine, and it’s like in Canada. It is provincial to refer like this to sovereign countries, even if their population is 1,5 million. There are no small or large countries; there are sovereign states and international law.

You say: What does the USA have to do with the Russo-Ukrainian war?

We answer: Back in 1991, then-US president George Bush Sr. demanded the newly elected russian president Boris Yeltsin and the Ukrainian president Leonid Kravchuk to disarm Ukraine and give up their nukes in exchange for recognition of Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Later, in 1994, they signed the Budapest Memorandum to make it official.

The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances is an agreement signed by Ukraine, the USA, the UK, and russia (!!!) to respect and protect Ukraine’s sovereignty in the existing borders in exchange for nuclear disarmament.

Barack Obama came to control it in 2005. And in 2023, Bill Clinton admitted his mistake and apologized for insisting on that disarmament.

You say: It’s all about US politicians. They all are bad!

We answer: Look, it’s the US self-paralysing anti-Americanism. There are institutions of the president and parliament, and there is a human nature. To destabilize institutions is to harm the state! Vote, drive out the bad and corrupt, and place the honest and conscientious instead.

You say: But MY COUNTRY gave money to Ukraine!

We answer: Some phenomena in the life of mankind can’t be considered from the point of benefits for an individual state but only from the focus of good and evil concepts. Otherwise, it’s a dead end for all of us.

Mankind already has the example of the mass murder of people who did not have a state back then: It’s the Holocaust. What more human stories from Ukraine does the world need to hear to respond to help? If you were raised to understand what good and evil are, you help because we are asking you.

We are asking YOU because you CAN help. Both the USA and the EU have many outdated weapons on which taxpayers’ money has already been spent, and they are going to be disposed of for new money.

It is not so important how many weapons and money the country has; the political will to use them is needed. There are responsible who are hindering US help: Jake Sullivan communicating and promoting russian narratives, William Burns meeting with his rus counterpart, speaker Johnson, and MAGA to name a few.

You say: But we will spoil our relations with China!

We answer: China, Iran, and other totalitarian countries do not exist for trade and the growth of their people’s welfare. They think differently. If all the countries of the democratic world do not unite to protect freedom and democracy, the totalitarian world will win and start a struggle for power and nukes with each other. If you want your children to live in a normal world, you must care for its normality at home and abroad. Your media and elites must see and talk about risks.

You say: If the US intervenes, there will be WW3 & nuke war!

We answer: The illusion of your security should not be paid for with Ukrainian blood. The world community should develop a tool to punish for mere CLAIMS of using nukes. Otherwise, this intimidation opens the door to a conventional war.

You say: A democratic Russia is better than a destroyed one.

We answer: Russian society has never experienced democracy. Imperialists and tsars, dictators like Stalin (whom russians praise, by the way!), Gorbachev (who wasn’t able to keep the country because of being too democratic for that society), Yeltsin who started the Chechen wars, and now Putin winning elections of Putin for decades…Democratic Russia in the coming years is a myth that will cost the lives of thousands of people.

@twins_mad on X

You say: Genocide? Bucha? I have nothing to do with it!

We answer: People thinking like that don’t deserve arguments and don’t care about Ukraine or victims in other countries. Their only wish is to bring their mental borders back and mark themselves with “I have nothing to do with it” next to anything they think is bad.

For the defenders of the Ukrainian Donbas occupation: I remind you that the Hague court recognized it was russia who organized and controlled all the events there.

For those who keep platforming oppressors at cultural and sports events with russians in Europe: I remind you that the European Parliament recognized russia as a sponsor of terrorism.

For lovers of the “Ukrainian nazis” messages:

You are a hypocrite, not a consistent anti-fascist, because in 2024 you are worrying about nazis in Ukraine, not at your home. All those KGB/FSB psyop photos are several years old, — they “suddenly” appeared in 2014 when russia annexed Crimea and played its games at Donbas, and “suddenly” came back in 2022 when the rus full-scale invasion of Ukraine started — and you continue to play along with russia brainwashing you.

For all the grifters and genocide apologists:

Time asking questions has passed. Russian and Western supporters of the Ukr genocide are visible, and everything is screened and documented.

We are being slaughtered under the pretext of “denazification.” If you pedal such narratives, even by accident, you are complicit.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you, @MadTwinsArt, for the information and inspiration to gather it in one article here!

Another thread you might want to check: Why the US can #ArmUkraineNow but they just don’t want

My X is @WritingBreeze; please don’t hesitate to follow. I write articles about my country, content creation and promotion, books, productivity, and work-life balance.



Olesia F.
Olesia F.

Written by Olesia F.

Content writer from Ukraine; in love with books, cats, and jazz. My publication: https://medium.com/writing-breeze (check "About" if want to support.) Thanks!

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